Tiana began her dance training at a very young age in the competitive dance world where she quickly realized that teaching, choreography and performing is her passion. She was able to train in acrobatics, jazz, contemporary, lyrical, modern, hip-hop, ballet, improvisation, and partner work. Tiana is a very versatile teacher and choreographer excelling in acrobatics, group tricks and floor work with her profound knowledge in flexibility training and interesting transitions within her movement.

Tiana currently co-runs an acrobatic variation and floor work clinic to inspire young dancers to find their passion for the art and step outside of the box when it comes to performing. Previously, she co-owed a dance studio where she was able to win numerous Top Studio, Choreography and Special Awards for her intricate interoperation of acrobatics within other dance styles. Tiana’s diversity as a dancer has given her the ability to win numerous soloist and group awards as well as scholarships nationally and internationally. She currently holds a National Title at Inferno Dance and a Regional title as Senior Miss Candance. As a performer, she has had the opportunity to perform all over the world at charity events and on a cruise ship. Tiana has also worked promotional events for both modeling and dance.

While Tiana continues to further her knowledge in the dance industry, she is also studying Business Management at Ryerson University. Tiana's positive spirit and drive encourages her to tackle new challenges everyday by stepping out of her comfort zone and taking any opportunity to develop and learn to reach her goals.