Jade Percival is a graduate of The Randolph Academy of Performing Arts. Her recent theatre credits include: Chava in Fiddler On The Roof, The Little Mermaid, King Arthur: The Panto, My Fair Lady, Robin Hood: The Panto (Capitol Theatre), We Will Rock You (Magnus Theatre), Anne of Green Gables, Alice Through The Looking Glass, Mamma Mia ( Charlottetown Festival) Footloose (Drayton Entertainment), Into The Woods (Randolph Theatre), Ralph in an all woman production of Lord of The Flies (Annex Theatre), performer opening number “2014 Dora Awards”, performer “You Should Be Dancing” Dancing with Parkinson's, and Voice-over “Be our ally” Campaign . Jade is a award winning dancer and choreographer. Miss Percival was a student of The Meyerhofer Academy since the age of 3, a 2011 Bernice Adams Finalist, Dancer of the Year American Dance Awards 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012. Super Soloist Terpsichore 2009, 2010, 2011. Jades choreography continues to be inspired, awarding her choreography awards at every competition for the fifth year running including Kick it Ups overall virtual finals and Terpsichore’s T3.